Watamu Marine Association

The Watamu Marine Association (W.M.A.) was formed in September 2007 after a workshop brought marine stakeholders together to address conflicts and develop working partnerships. W.M.A. is a unique initiative at the Kenyan coast bringing together members from the community, tourism and environment sectors. The Association is committed to conflict resolution, developing community based groups and projects and environmental protection.


Friends From Ireland’s relationship begin with W.M.A. began in 2007 when we became connected through the community building projects that Friends From Ireland were working on in Watamu. We were delighted to support the W.M.A. through funding their website, which still operates today.

EcoWorld Watamu

While in Kenya in September 2012 Friends From Ireland were very happy to be in the position to be able to donate €12,750 to part-fund the recycling plant which W.M.A. were building. This centre was being established with the aim of providing a solid waste free environment for the benefit and welfare of the local community and environment, and the Watamu Marine Park, which is vital to the tourist community.

This project generates employment, fosters greater understanding and communication between local business and the community and helps support the tourist industry, without which the local economy would collapse. It involves community managed and coordinated collection, recycling and disposal of solid waste from beaches and village environs, recycling of solid waste as a source of income generation, providing education and awareness forums to inform the community on the problem of solid waste pollution and the threat it poses to human health, the environment and the local economy. This is a unique initiative at the coast and is intended to raise public awareness to the problems related to solid waste and pollution and to demonstrate the potential of community initiatives.